Teenage Pregnancy Resources: Legal Rights, Telling Your Parents, and More

An unplanned pregnancy can bring the world to a halt, especially for a teenager. In an instant, you’re facing serious questions about your future.


Where can I go to get help and support? Which pregnancy option is best for me? What are my rights as a pregnant teen?


We understand how overwhelming it can feel, but you’re not in this alone. Women’s Choice Resource Center is here to answer your questions and support you from your first pregnancy test to your final decision. Keep reading to learn more.

How Do I Know if I’m Pregnant?

If you think you might be pregnant, the first thing to do is take a pregnancy test and receive an ultrasound.


But, what if you can’t afford a pregnancy test right now? What if you want to be as discreet as possible? Women’s Choice Resource Center provides free pregnancy tests and free ultrasounds, so you can confirm your pregnancy in a compassionate, confidential environment. You can bring a parent or friend, or come alone—whatever makes your experience more comfortable for you.


All of our teenage pregnancy resources are 100% confidential. We value your privacy and will not share your pregnancy intentions with anyone. 

Is Abortion Legal in Texas? 

All abortion is prohibited and criminalized in Texas, although exceptions can be made if the mother’s life is in danger[1].


Even if you intend to travel out of state for an abortion, be aware that the surrounding areas may prohibit it beyond a certain point in pregnancy. You may also need your parent’s or guardian’s permission in order to receive an abortion.

How Do I Tell My Parents That I’m Pregnant?

You may feel your parents deserve to know you’re pregnant or want their help as you navigate the decision process. However, telling your parents that you’re pregnant can be one of the most nerve-wracking moments of your life. It can be hard enough to process your own feelings, let alone put them into words. Below are some tips to help you get started:

Consider Your Pregnancy Options

You don’t need to have it all figured out right now, but you may want to start thinking about which pregnancy option could be best for you. 


If you need a safe place to sort through your emotions and your options, consider visiting Women’s Choice Resource Center. Our client advocates are here to answer all of your questions regarding abortion in Texas, adoption, and parenting

Talk to Someone You Trust First

Not sure what to say to your parents? Talk to someone you trust first! They may be able to help you organize your thoughts and put them into words. You could also try practicing the conversation with this person to prepare.

Get Straight to the Point

When you share the news, get straight to the point. Delaying the nature of the conversation may cause tension and make each of you feel more anxious. You could be as direct as: “This is difficult for me to say, but I’m pregnant.”


If you think that either of your parents may react violently to your pregnancy announcement, speak to a licensed medical professional or trained counselor beforehand. They will be able to help you get to safety if you’re facing abuse at home.

Teenage Pregnancy Resources in Fort Worth, TX 

Finding out that you’re pregnant as a teenager can be scary, but have hope that there are people and resources available to help you. Women’s Choice Resource Center provides free teenage pregnancy resources, so you can get the confidential care you need to make an informed and empowered decision. 


Give us a call at (817) 587-0710 or schedule your appointment online today! All services are free and confidential.



  1. HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE CHAPTER 170A. PERFORMANCE OF ABORTION. Texas Constitution and Statutes. (2022, August 25). Retrieved from https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/HS/htm/HS.170A.htm  
Teenage Pregnancy Resources: Legal Rights, Telling Your Parents, and More was last modified: April 12th, 2023 by Cornerstone Marketing