Quick Tips to a Quick Trip Out of the House Each Morning: The entire nation has been working to #stopthespread for the past month(s). As we have all been diligently working to stay home, a lot of us have been asked to telecommute and work from home. As many of us got really comfortable working from home, the morning routine was nothing short of amazing. We really hope this helps you get out of the door faster! Especially as we all got a wee bit spoiled working from home the beginning of this year.If you’re anything like us, it looked a bit like this…
Not sure about you, but working from home and not commuting to work each day allows a lot more hours in the day to be dedicated to whatever we’d like!
Nonetheless, the circumstances weren’t ideal, but working from home was one positive asset. However, now, many of us are back at it and commuting to work each day. Here are a few quick tips to help you get out of the door quicker each morning. Some you may have done before COVID-19, some might be new, but we figured a quick refresher might do us all some good: