How to Prepare for the Unexpected this Valentine’s Day!

Woman thinking about valentines day
February 10, 2022 Cornerstone Marketing 0 Comments

Did you know that Valentine’s Day began because it was to honor a man whose name was St. Valentine? However, Valentine’s Day has become known to many as the holiday of love. Love nowadays is defined as many things to many people. Some use Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to hook up, get some action, or lose their virginity. Others may see it as a way to spoil their significant others, and for some they will use this holiday as a way to just tell the people around them how much they love them.


So, if you’re single, have someone you’re interested in, are seriously dating, or are even married, here are some things to keep in mind for Valentine’s Day. Because regardless of how you celebrate, Valentine’s Day is often linked with sex. So, if you plan on celebrating Valentine’s Day that way, please know we are here to help you!


If you find yourself feeling queazy, having sore breasts, extra tired, or even more emotional a few weeks after you’ve had sex, you may be pregnant. And unfortunately, pregnancy rarely comes at an ideal time. So, where can you go, especially if you don’t have insurance or the funds to pay for an appointment?


At Women’s Choice Resource Center (WCRC), we offer the following services, all free of charge.


Lab Quality Pregnancy Test

At WCRC, our pregnancy test is the highest quality test available. Additionally, one of our professional staff will assist you with this test, and go over your results and options.


Limited Ultrasound

An ultrasound performed by our licensed medical staff, in conjunction with our lab-quality pregnancy testing, is the best way to know if you’re pregnant and if your pregnancy is viable. In addition, this scan allows us to evaluate how far along you are in your pregnancy and if it looks like it is progressing normally. Because, according to March of Dimes, “As many as half of all pregnancies may end in miscarriage.


STI/STD Education & Referrals

We wish STI/STDs weren’t a concern, but unfortunately if you’re sexually active, they are! Protecting your future is important. That’s why we offer STIs/STDs education and referrals, especially if you’re looking to schedule an abortion procedure.


All of these services are bundled and offered during our “Pre-Abortion Screenings” appointment.

If you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and looking for abortion information, we are here for you!  Although we do not refer or provide abortions, we can help you process and confirm your next steps.


Don’t wait to find the help you need. We are waiting to serve you!


Make your appointment today!

How to Prepare for the Unexpected this Valentine’s Day! was last modified: January 16th, 2025 by Cornerstone Marketing